You Are Beautiful

You Are Beautiful

Tuesday 2 February 2016


I wanted to build genuine relationships. I have always had friends that come and go or I never wanted to invest in a relationship. But God has called us to love one another and build each other. As mentioned in Mark 12:31The second is this: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." We sometimes have this wrong idea that we should live for ourselves and take care of our needs. As much as that sounds very appealing, that is not how we are intended to be. We were created to accompany people in this world. We need people and people need us. As it is written in Genesis 2:18 - The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." And that is how Eve was created. Therefore, we must take the effort to build our relationship with the people around us, We are placed where we are because we mean a lot to the people around us. Similarly, the people around us mean a lot to us, wether we realise it or not. 

So, i prayed and submitted my resolution to Jesus. That i wanted to build genuine relationships. And in pure amazement, Jesus worked on it on the 1st of January itself. I didn't expect something to happen so soon, but it did. Because God directed it. 

My cousin got married a couple of years ago and I wasn't very close to his wife. We hung out a lot as a group but we didn't speak much. It was mostly a 'hi and bye' relationship. Now, this made things uncomfortable for the both of us because I was close to my cousin and obviously she is. So, things were always a little awkward. But God being the amazing person He is, brought us closer to each other this year. We attended a birthday party this year. She is currently pregnant and is due in May. We sat at the same table for dinner with a few other cousins but we didn't speak. All of a sudden, everyone except the both of us left the table. None of us spoke and it was this 'awkward silence moment'. So, I decided to just dive in and ask about her pregnancy since it seemed to be the easiest way to create a conversation. To my surprise, she started sharing so many things about not only her pregnancy, but also herself. Her likes and dislikes, etc. Conversation topics were just flowing one after another. We didn't even have to force it. We had a good one hour conversation. It was amazing. I went home and then it hit me. God is already working on my resolution. I was overjoyed that night. 

Jesus is amazing!!!! Submitting my resolution to Him was definitely worth it. I didn't even have to try so hard. I just simply had to be available for him to use me at the right time. I am so grateful and am looking forward to more relationships with the people around me. Wether i know them previously or not.

Have a blessed year ahead! Exciting things are coming your way! Never give up on your dreams and goals, even if it didn't happen in the past years, keep renewing the same goal each year and work towards it! 

God bless.

Friday 16 October 2015

It's been so long since I last posted..
This semester has been pretty full on for me... Since week 2, there has been assignments and quizzes each week... I am taking 3 maths units and one biology unit as my elective. Maths is designed to have assessments each week so I guess I should have expected that. But to be honest, I have no complains about it! I truly enjoyed my the whole journey of being so busy. You know why? Because Jesus was with me all the way through.
I have always been the kind of student that would stress about every single detail. If I don't get an assignment done way before the due date and am not organised about it, I would freak out. If I wasn't performing well in class tests, I would stress myself up and try so hard to push through... All these eventually would lead to me crying and just wanting to give up.
But this time round, it was really different. 
God constantly reminded me about Phillippians 4:13 - I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength. And that means anything and everything. I used to read this verse so many times as a child but never truly understood the intensity and seriousness of how Jesus is about this promise. 
Until this year when He revealed himself to me. You know how everyone says you define yourself, don't let anyone else define you and you are the creator of your own destiny? I think Jesus defines who I am. When I look at myself I don't want to see myself, I want to see Jesus in me. Because, I am nothing without him. Before I realised who He really was, I found myself trying so hard to prove myself to others and even to myself. There was no freedom. I was in this dark room just trying so hard to untie knots from my hand and get out of that room. I found myself constantly trying to meet people's expectation, worrying abut how they perceive me. 
But, now I realised that I don't need to prove how good I am... Jesus doesn't need that.. All he wants is for me to believe that He died on the cross for my sins and rose again to give us life. He wants us to  know that we are free from darkness, self-condemnation, and even the need to be of a certain level. Jesus doesn't look for levels. He loves us. Even if we don't know him or don't accept him. You and I will always be on His mind. One may ask, why would He love me if I don't love Him? But that's what makes Him God.... His unconditional love... We don't need to earn His love. He gave it for free and He wants us to feely receive it.. He does not want us to go around thinking that we must be of a certain good to receive it. Luke 19:10 - Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He came for us sinners. He came for you. There is freedom in Jesus.. I didn't know that till March this year. But know I know and I never want to go back... 
Don't let other people define who you are, but let Jesus be the definition of your life.. It will be one awesome ride.. Now, don't get me wrong.. It's not going to be this smooth sailing life of happiness and joy all the time. But I can assure you, that in those times of trouble and anguish, Jesus will make it beautiful. Take that leap of faith. You will not regret it. Been there and still going through it. It is one awesome journey. 
God bless. Have an awesome weekend.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Hey peeps...

It has been very long! I have been super caught up with uni work!! It is that time of the semester when everything is due. I am in my last week of my semester and it has been crazy... Ended up handing in everything today! YAYYY!!

Time has passed by so fast! It is already the end of another semester.. It's crazy just to even think about it.. Anyways, we have one week of study break before exams! Finals are on for 3 weeks and after that I have an awesome one month break!! YAYYY!! Soooo looking forward to it!! :D

Anyways... I don't think I told you about a life changing experience.. So I attended my church youth camp and it was amazing! I definitely received a revelation from God.

All my life I have been living, trying to please people and be nice to everyone so that I would be liked by all and that would make me happy.. Same thing with God... I thought I had to do all these nice deeds to make God less angry with me and perhaps maybe bless me since I am being a good child.. Saying sorry would make Him less angry, I thought.

It is at camp that I understood that Jesus died on the cross, taking all condemnation, judgement, and sin on him. He rose again and today He is alive, not expecting us to be all good. He knows that we are broken and He just wants us to believe that He has bore it all. He does not expect anything in return. He just wants us to believe what He did on the cross and who He did it for; us. He is amazing.

We do not have to strive to be 'good'. We will never be! We are born into a sinful world and sin will always be there. But, what we can do is believe in what Jesus did on the cross and choose to live by that gift of salvation and eternal life.

God is amazing! Hope you are encouraged by this message just as I was. Have a good weekend peeps. God bless.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Hey Guys!!!!!!
It's been soo long!!!!

I have been really busy with assignments and uni work. However, we had our Easter/Sem break this week. I had so much fun doing nothing; just enjoying my sleep and cooking some nice food. My friends and I baked a lot too. We made a chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies.
We also put together a nice big breakfast on Tuesday. We had some waffles, made some banana oat pancakes,topped with ice cream, and strawberries. And my favourite part, a nice glass of hot milk tea.
And we are gonna try making some bubble tea! Can't wait!!!!!!!

Anyways, I have a church camp this weekend. I will be leaving today. I am really looking forward to it. The best way to end my break!! Yup!! And I will be all geared up for my next few weeks of uni which, I am not gonna lie, is gonna be super packed. But, God is in control! So yeah! Trusting in Him :)

That is all I guess, for now :D
Have an awesome weekend :)

Friday 13 March 2015

So, today I went to buy some groceries. I haven't been out all week. So I decided to take it slow today and wander around the mall. It was a good remedy to a stressful week. i found this really cute stickers at REJECT SHOP and I had to get them.

I am really loving them. I have used a bunch of them on my notebooks and calendar. Yayyy!! I have a new toy. Haha.

Anyways, I have some assignments and lab reports to finish up. Can't wait till they are submitted. And hopefully, next weekend will not be too stressful. Yay!

Bye guys :)

Thursday 12 March 2015

I have been crazy busy with assignments and quizzes, and it is only Week 2.
But I am definitely enjoying it and I want to keep myself busy. So that's good. Haha!

Anyways, I have been loving Alisha Marie's Vlogs. She does daily Vlogs and I have been watching each of them each day. She is amazing and very original in her own way. I enjoy watching her so much. If you want, do check her out. Just follow this link:

My friend, Jullian and I baked cheese brownies the other day. It tasted good for the first try. Thank God it turned out well. We could share it with our floor mates.

People on my floor are amazing. We are coming to know each other even more and it's really fun spending time with all of them. Thank you Jesus for giving them to me. :)

I guess that is all for now.
Just wanted to share this:

It's so adorable :D
Have a great day guys.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

So, uni has started.
It has been good. Not many tutorials since its only the first week. I am doing four units this semester. Tow of them are math units, and my electives are arts units. I am pretty excited for those two. :D
Anyways, I am trying to keep myself busy and occupied. I wanna do as much as I can just because, YOLO!! Haha..

Anyways, have been trying some healthy breakfast these week. Seems pretty good and yummy too :D

I also ordered some stuff online and I am so excited for them. Ordered a phone case. Of course. Haha. And I also ordered some polaroid films. AAAAHHHHHCH!! Can't wait for them to arrive so that I can capture some amazing moments. Yayyyyy..
That is all for know.

Oh, this is my favourite TV Series of all times :D Never gets old eh!

Oh well :D Have a nice day ahead :D